Celebration Times!
Date: 11th Oct 2014 @ 12:46pm
We have completed another fab week at Willow Wood!
In Celebration Assembly on Friday it was great to see all the pupils with their crazy hair and non-school uniform to support our FOWWS.
Ron Stoneley, Chair of FOWWS and Margaret Dolphin, Governor and FOWWS Treasurer, presented school with a cheque for an amazing £1500. This money will be used to buy iPads to support learning in school and also to buy the books that the children receive in our 'Read Ten get One Free' campaign! Thank you for your support!
We also congratulated our netball team for playing a hard fought home match against Over St John's Primary School. The result was 7-8, which reflects the fast pace of the game. Thanks to Mrs Millar for acting as referee.
During the assembly, Molly Holmes, Sport Leader, helped me to open a very exciting letter, signed by Nicky Morgan, Secretary of State for Education. This letter was congratulating Willow Wood on achieving the School Sport and PE Bronze award in recognition of our commitment to promoting games, PE and healthy lifestyles.
Look out for the bronze award on our, 'Celebrating Achievement' display near the main School Office.