Year 3/4 Maple, Elm & Cherry 2024 - 2025

Mrs Graham

Mrs Grigg

Mr Aspinall

Welcome to Maple, Elm and Oak's class page! 


Our Year 3/4 team:


  Mrs Graham - Maple Class Teacher  

Mr Aspinall- Elm Class Teacher

Mrs Grigg- Cherry Class Teacher

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Clarke

Mrs Lee

Miss Gregory

Mrs Hankinson


Below is some useful information for this term:


Home Learning Challenge:

Our Home Learning this half term will be to access Numbots using your TT Rockstars log ins.  These will be redistributed to you over the next week.  It is essential that you all practise these skills.  This is in addition to times tables and weekly spellings.  It is also very important for you to read every night and for a parent/carer to log this on the reading app.



In English we will be looking at the book The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.

We will consider how the author creates a mysterious atmosphere in the opening chapter, which leaves the reader with many questions. Then learn how the Iron Man goes from being feared due to his difference, to being understood, accepted and ultimately admired.Considering the deeper meaning behind the Iron Man’s story can help us identify key themes such as difference, perception and understanding which are all explored through the Iron Man’s character arc.



In Maths this term, we will be revisiting Place Value in more detail which will include representing and partitioning numbers up to 10,000, Roman numerals and rounding. Before moving on to Addition and Subtraction of 4 digit numbers with and without exchanging.

In addition to our maths lessons, we will also be learning and practising our multiplication tables recall. Year 4 will complete their multiplication check the week beginning the Monday 2nd June 2025.



In our science lessons this term we are looking at the subject of Plants. This ‘Plant’ unit will teach the children about the structure of plants as well as key vocabulary; what plants need to grow and survive; how water moves within a plant and why it is important for plant growth. Aswell as learning about reproduction in flowering plants including how plant pollination occurs and how plants spread seeds.

Then we will move on to the topic of ‘Forces and Magnets’ and they will learn about forces in the context of pushing and pulling, and will identify different actions as pushes or pulls. The children will work scientifically and collaboratively to investigate friction. Furthermore,  they will conduct an investigation into the strength of different types of magnet.



This term Year 3/4 are learning about Ancient Egypt. We will learn in depth about the achievements of this ancient civilisation. Including about how and where the ancient Egyptians lived, what was important to the daily lives of ancient Egyptians, who Tutankhamun was and how mummies were made. The children will also learn about how Egyptian people used hieroglyphs to communicate and compare the powers of 
different gods.



Children are to still come to school in their PE kit for the day they are doing PE. PE kit consists of black shorts/tracksuit bottoms/leggings, a red t-shirt, their school hoodie and black trainers/pumps.

Mrs Graham - Tuesday

Mr Aspinall - Thursday

Mrs Grigg - Thursday


This term we will be learning skills related to invasion games. The unit of work will develop pupils’ ability to develop their passing technique wilst analysing their own performance. Pupils will progress to playing in competitve game scenarios. 


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