Harvest Festival
Date: 22nd Oct 2016 @ 1:05pm
Thank you for your generosity!
It was a delight to accompany our children to Christ Church, Wharton for our Harvest Festival on Thursday. The children were a great sight walking, two by two, in a long crocodile clutching their harvest gifts. The junior children went in the morning and the infants in the afternoon as there are too many of us to all go together - it was great to see a sea of red in the church.
Thank you to Robin for welcoming us to Christ Church and leading the service. It was great to have so many parents and friends join us - in the afternoon it was standing room only! The children were fantastic, as ever, and sang their favourite harvest hymn, Cauliflowers Fluffy, with gusto. Each child had the opportunity to place their gift on the altar and by the end there wasn't much room left. The local foodbank, which operates from the Church, will be delighted!
Well done Willow Wood a lovely community event!
PS I will add photos as soon as I have them for any family members who couldn't join us.