Meetings Galore!
Date: 15th Mar 2015 @ 11:29am
This week seemed to be composed of a whole host of important meetings.
On Monday the Board of the Governing Body met for its spring term meeting. We now have a full complement of 10 governors who really do make a difference to our school. Look out for them on parents’ evening!
Barbara Maltas, Maths Consultant for the Local Authority, led our staff meeting on Tuesday. Staff members were looking at pupil workbooks to ensure that teaching was leading to learning and progression in the basic skills of addition and subtraction. I’m pleased to tell you that we found evidence of lots of good progress and good effort and hopefully you will feel the same when you look at your child’s books next week.
The eSafety meeting for families on Thursday was led by our eCadets and PC Rhys Matthews, School Based Officer (Part of Cheshire Constabulary Safer Communities Partnership), who is based at the Winsford Academy. The presentations were very informative and PC Matthews was very impressed that our school was hosting an eSafety event for parents and friends.
Other meetings have included a budget meeting, pupil progress meetings, performance management meetings, absence meetings with parents, showing new families around school and a school council meeting!