On line learning w/b 2nd November
Date: 1st Nov 2020 @ 9:19pm
On line learning week beginning 2nd November 2020
This week we are going continue to count to 5 as well as looking at 2D shapes, naming them and using them to make patterns. We are also going to be thinking about Autumn.
Can you tell your adult about what you remember about bonfire night ? if you like it, what do you like? If you don’t like it, why not? |
What 2D shapes do you know? Can you make a picture out of 2D shapes? What is your picture of? What shapes have you used? |
Can you collect some leaves from your garden, can you make a picture or a pattern our of them? |
Can you draw a picture of some fireworks, what noises do fireworks make? |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=9O5o1k_5UKw watch this numberjacks, what shapes can you see? |
Can you practice putting your coat on by yourself. |
Practice writing the first letter of your name. Remember where you letter starts. |
Can you share a favourite story with a grown up? Tell the grown up why it is your favourite story, what do you like about it? |
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/early-years/shape-monsters See if you can match the correct shapes to the correct monsters |
Please will you take a photograph or video of your child doing these activities (if they are well enough) and either upload it to Tapestry or email it to [email protected]