Reception Big Chick Diary!

Date: 15th Mar 2017 @ 2:12pm

It has been an 'Eggciting' time in Reception so far! We have been eagerly aticipating the arrival of our chicks! 

Monday 13th March

On Monday the lady from Living Eggs came to our school to show us how to use our incubator and how to look after the 10 eggs. The children thought carefully about our new little additions and came up with their own chick rules! 

Tuesday 14th March

We found two eggs had a small crack in them and thought that they might arrive at the end of the day. But unfortunately they didn't. I wonder how many we will have in the morning?

Wednesday 15th March

When we arrived in school this morning we found that 5 had hatched over night! Now the children are trying to think about what to call our new chicks. So far we have three girls and two boys. 


Please keep watching our chick video live on the Reception Website!