SATs Superstars!
Date: 27th May 2019 @ 12:57pm
It was great to be able to join our Y6 pupils, staff and family members as they enjoyed their post-SATs dodgeball fun. Everyone was keeping active and enjoying the hot dogs and ice-pops!
I was able to congratulate the children on their resilience, good effort, hard work, focus and concentration during the SATs. Also to remind our Y6 pupils that SATs are just a snapshot and that the important learning carries on as they prepare for the next phase of education at high school. We talked again about the fact that SATs only measure a small part of our rich, broad and balanced curriculum and only a tiny part of the well-rounded, mature, fun young people they are becoming.
Well done also to our Y2 pupils also who enjoyed their learning challenges and showed great determination to share their learning, with their Teachers. I know that we have fantastic Teachers, across our school, who work hard to make sure that each and every child achieves their best.
Congratulations super Y6 SATs Stars you were awesome! I hope you and your families enjoyed the Y6 dodgeball bonanza on Friday afternoon!