Willow's Blog - Week 3 - Spring Term
Date: 1st Feb 2016 @ 8:24pm
Welcome back to Willow's blog! This week we have been learning all about money! We learnt all about the different coins and notes and talked about where money comes from and how much each coin or note is worth. We learnt about counting in 2s, 5,s and 10s to help us with counting money. Once we had got to grips with recognising coins, we challenged ourselves to think of different ways we could make different amounts. Scarlett made Miss Hughes laugh when she asked us "If I didn't have a five pence coin what could I use to pay instead?" and Scarlett replied "your card!" We liked her logic! For our practical challenge at the end of the week this week Miss Hughes set up an Oak class snack cafe with different fruits and drinks and put up a price list. We had to take it in turns to be the shop keeper and the customer, choosing different snacks and drinks, looking how much they cost and choosing the right coins and some of us were able to think of different ways to make the right amount.
In English we have still been enjoying Lost & Found. We have come to the part in the story where the boy tries to use an information book to find out about the lost penguin. This prompted us to find out about information books, and write our own. We came up with a list of questions about penguins that we needed to find out about and sent some of these to the safari ranger at chester zoo. We also used iPads and books to help us with our research and presented it to each other. Each team in Oak had a different penguin to write about. Please check out our 'Super Writing' page at the top to look at all the amazing information books we produced this week. Miss Hughes can't believe how good our writing is getting.
Finally, we were so excited to start FAST club this Tuesday. All of the children said they had a fabulous time and can't wait to come back next week!
Another great week in Oak class