Year 4's Spring Term
Date: 20th Mar 2015 @ 4:17pm
Year 4 have had a busy few weeks, capped off by an amazing time looking at the eclipse this morning.
Earlier in the term, we helped out Wallace and Gromit with our 'Cracking Contraptions', and then we wrote some poetry. Recently, we have started to look at 'Bill's New Frock' by Anne Fine, and will be creating our own stories in the style before we break up for Easter!
We have been exploring written multiplication and division methods in maths, and then solved different problems. In science we have investigated heating and cooling, and changes in state. This week we have been carrying out an evaporation experiment, and were surprised to discover that the heater in Mulberry's classroom doesn't cause evaporation to happen at the fastest rate!
From the River Mersey topic, we have created music to represent the course of a river using a graphic score, and in ICT we have used Scratch for animations and created our own 'Wiki'. We have moved on to investigating the 1960s in Britain, and have even attempted to make our own 60s design outfits for our toys! We have also been investigating 'Creation' in RE alongside 'Parables of Jesus'.
We've also had the Harry Potter Day where we made potions, wands and hats; World Book Day where we dressed up as our favourite book characters; and we have been lucky enough to have a varied number of visitors linked to the whole school 'World of Work' topic.
We have still had time to enjoy learning Spanish with Sandra, had the Sportscape coaches for PE and improved our swimming on Wednesdays!
We hope you like our pictures, and we are looking forward to more exciting activities towards the end of term and into next term.