Year 5 & 6- Hazel, Rowan and Oak 2024 - 2025
Miss Bell
Miss Moore
Miss Caldwell
Welcome to our Year 5 and Year 6 class page!
Year 5 and 6 Class Teachers:
Miss Moore- Year 6 Hazel Class Teacher
Miss Bell- Year 5 Rowan Class Teacher
Mrs Caldwell- Year 5 Oak Class Teacher
Teaching Assistants
Miss Webster- Year 6 HLTA
Miss Lee- Year 6 TA
Mrs James- Year 5 TA
Miss Worth- Year 5 TA
Children are now coming to school in their PE kit for the day they are doing PE. This is a red school PE t-shirt, black shorts/ tracksuit bottoms, a grey school PE hoodie and black pumps/ trainers.
Class PE days:
Hazel - Tuesday PM
Oak- Wednesday PM
Rowan- Thursday PM
Home Learning Challenge
Each week you will be given a piece of homework to complete, a list of spellings to learn and also times tables.
Your homework is due in on a Monday.
Your weekly spelling tests are on a Monday.
Year 6 have White Rose Booklets to complete everyweek, these are also due on Monday.
Please make sure you are reading every day. Log it by writing in your reading record book. This needs to be brought to class every day for a teacher to check.
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Year 5 & 6- Hazel, Rowan and Oak: Gallery items
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Year 5 & 6- Hazel, Rowan and Oak: Calendar items
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