Weighing and Measuring

Date: 23rd Oct 2016 @ 10:30am

Welcome back to Oak Class Blog! We have been so busy with our learning this term. 

For the past few weeks in maths we have been learning all about measuring height and weight. We learned how to tell if things were taller or shorter, heavier or lighter than each other. We then began to use cubes to measure exactly how tall things were, and balancing scales to weigh how many cubes heavy objects were. 

We used this newfound knowledge to bake delicious cupcakes all by ourselves! We followed a recipe using our balance scales that meant that sugar, flour and butter all had to balance with the egg in the other side of our scales. This made for fantastic problem solving and a great practical way to learn about weight. You could hear lots of lovely mathematical language all around our classroom that day as we decided if things were "too heavy" "too light" or "balanced". 

We decorated our cupcakes with icing and were even able to take our second cupcake home for our grown ups, although Jaxon and Oliver C said they were too delicious to share. 

Great work Oak Class!